5 Reasons Why You Should Have an Open Layout Kitchen
In the realm of home design, “open concept” have become quite the buzz words lately, but what do they even mean? And what are the benefits? If you are looking for a theme for kitchen decoration, here is your expert guide…
1.It Is The Space Where Everyone Comes Together
It’s almost dinner time and I’m in the kitchen prepping steaks for our New Year’s Eve dinner. My spouse has put on a podcast through the TV speakers and sits on the couch drawing in his sketchbook. The kids are playing with their toys in their play area just to the left of the couch. As I work in the kitchen, I’m able to supervise them while still listening to the podcast playing in the living room. We all may be engages in our individual activities, but our family is connected. All of this is possible thanks to the open layout design we have in our home.
2. Benefits of Connected Living
Since the 1990s, homes with open layouts have been the trend. But it is still in the checklist of almost every kitchen remodeling idea. In open concept designs, there are no walls separating the communal spaces. The kitchen, dining and living space flow into one another. Separation of space is often created through the use of furniture and lighting, but sight lines from one space to the next is maintained. Also, more space for your decorative items on your kitchen counter! The benefit: more connected living.
3. The Central Hub of Activity
2020 has forced many of us to spend more time at home. More than ever, connecting with those close to us has become a priority. Open layout designs offer space to nurture our relationship with our families. The kitchen becomes a central hub of activity in which families spend time together and share, whether that is listening to a podcast, prepping dinner, helping your kids with their homework, or baking that sourdough bread you started in quarantine together. Even if mom is cooking dinner and the kids are playing, everyone is still within sight and hearing range, allowing for connection through conversation or opportunities for interaction. Little Johnny may notice mom chopping vegetables and decide he wants to help. There lies the opportunity for family bonding, growth and learning for little Johnny.
4. Multifunctuality of the Space
The open layout plan fosters a sense of family togetherness while maintaining multi-functionality of the space. As needs change or families grow, open concepts offer design flexibility. What was once a children’s play area may become a study space or place for homework. Space for dining may also function as a place for conversation or school projects. The beauty of the open layout is that it can be easily customized to your family’s needs. It offers space for connection and socialization at a time when opportunities to connect are limited and can be personalized to whatever your “quarantine life” looks like.